1. What is the source of the data for these searches?
The data source is NEA’s Grants Management System (GMS) database.
Important: Search results will not include the following:
Information on NEA grants before 1998 can be obtained by:
You can also find information about NEA grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements on USASpending.gov although that site does not provide the same range of search functions you will find here.
2. How accurate are the search results?
The eGMS database is updated regularly and is used for the day-to-day work of the agency. Any large database, however, will contain errors and anomalies. NEA is continually working to improve the quality of the data. If you discover errors in your search results, email publicaffairs@arts.gov.
Note: Some data in a grant record (e.g., organization name, project description, congressional district) will reflect changes since the award was made (due to name changes, project amendments, congressional redistricting, etc.).
3. How do I search the database?
There are many options for conducting your search based on how broad or narrow your focus is. The form allows you to search in any number of fields simultaneously—the more fields you include in your search criteria, the more specific (and smaller) your list of results will be.
For example, here are instructions to use if you wanted to find a list of organizations that received grants between 2009 and 2010, within a 20 mile radius of the 22202 zip code:
4. How can I search for an individual?
The eGMS does include grants to individuals in the categories of Literature Fellowships, National Heritage Fellowships, and NEA Jazz Masters. If you do a search for grants in a particular fiscal year and/or geographic location, the recipients will show up.
However, if you are looking for a particular individual, we recommend you use the separate searches found in the sidebar on the NEA’s recent grants page.
5. What disciplines/fields are available to select?
The selections represent NEA’s disciplines/field offices. To search for artistic disciplines not included in the NEA listing (e.g., jazz or photography), use the Keywords search field.
6. What grant categories are available to select?
Grant search allows you to choose from current NEA funding categories for your search. If you are looking for grants in a category no longer used (ie. Access to Artistic Excellence) use the keyword search.
7. How does the Keywords textbox work?
By default, all or part of the text you enter in this textbox will be used as search criteria. You can define the keyword search by using the drop-down list to the right of the textbox.
In each case, the text you entered will be searched against the "Grantee Name", "Organization", "Organization Popular Name", "Category", "Project Description" and "Additional Project Description" fields.
8. How do the Sorting Options work?
The default sort order for the search results is by Fiscal Year (numeric, in descending order) and Organization/Grantee Name (alphabetical, in ascending order). This is already set for you when you first visit the page, but you can delete it (or any fields for sorting) by selecting the field and clicking the "remove" button. To add additional fields to sort by:
This will add your selected field to the sorting list. You can reorder the fields in the list by selecting a field and clicking the "Up" or "Down" buttons. You can have up to three fields in the sort list.
Keep in mind when using multiple sorting fields that the order in which the fields appear in the list (from top to bottom) determines the order in which the sorting is applied. For example, if your selected sort fields are (top to bottom) "Grantee Name Ascending” and "Cong. District Ascending," the system will first sort all the results by Grantee Name. Then, where there are records with the Grantee Name repeated, those records will be sorted by Congressional District. If there are no duplicate Grantee Names, the Congressional District sort will have no effect.
9. Why are some grants indicated as "Recommended"?
These are applications that have been recommended for funding by the Chairman of the NEA but are still in process; consequently, they do not yet have a grant number. Details of recommended projects are subject to change before they are awarded, contingent upon prior NEA approval.
10. Why are some columns blank in the exported MS Excel or Text files?
Some data apply only to grants to organizations so these columns will be blank for grants to individuals.
11. What if I have questions or suggestions?
We welcome your feedback. If you spot errors in the software or in the data returned or if you have questions, comments, or suggestions for improving the site, email publicaffairs@arts.gov.